Sultanas Group
Middlebury College
Vermont Technology
The Vermont
Women's Fund
Hotel Vermont
The Vermont
Community Foundation
1st Place - $20k
Runner - up - $5k
About the Competition
Our Intentions
At least 1/3 women-owned
At least 50% of the team must be a resident of Vermont or students at a Vermont college or university
Pre-revenue up to $750k in sales (over the last 12 months)
$0 - $500k in outside investment (non-founder/family capital)
All sectors are eligible except restaurants, traditional retail, and real estate
If selected as a finalist, a Female Founder must represent the company by pitching on September 27th
(*at the time of application)
Showcase Vermont's women-led startups
Increase access to capital and feedback for local entrepreneurs
Encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to take the plunge, make connections, find resources, and "jump in!"
The application deadline is September 10th at noon via the electronic form provided (no other applications will be accepted)
From the pool of eligible applicants, 6 finalists will be selected by VCET for the Challenge
Finalists and applicants will be notified by September 14th
On September 27th, each team will have 8 minutes to present, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A from the panel of judges
The panel of judges should not be contacted by applicants or finalists ahead of the competition
The winner of the StartHere Challenge will receive a $20k cash prize. This is not an investment, but a gift
The Challenge is open to the public, and will be live-streamed for folks that can't make it
Judging Criteria
Opportunity of the business
Strength and potential of the team
Clear intended use for the funds (timeline)
1st Place - $20k
Runner - up - $5k
About the Competition
Our Intentions
At least 1/3 women-owned
At least 50% of the team must be a resident of Vermont or students at a Vermont college or university
Pre-revenue up to $750k in sales (over the last 12 months)
$0 - $500k in outside investment (non-founder/family capital)
All sectors are eligible except restaurants, traditional retail, and real estate
If selected as a finalist, a Female Founder must represent the company by pitching on September 27th
(*at the time of application)
Showcase Vermont's women-led startups
Increase access to capital and feedback for local entrepreneurs
Encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to take the plunge, make connections, find resources, and "jump in!"
The application deadline is September 10th at noon via the electronic form provided (no other applications will be accepted)
From the pool of eligible applicants, 6 finalists will be selected by VCET for the Challenge
Finalists and applicants will be notified by September 14th
On September 27th, each team will have 8 minutes to present, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A from the panel of judges
The panel of judges should not be contacted by applicants or finalists ahead of the competition
The winner of the StartHere Challenge will receive a $20k cash prize. This is not an investment, but a gift
The Challenge is open to the public, and will be live-streamed for folks that can't make it
Judging Criteria
Opportunity of the business
Strength and potential of the team
Clear intended use for the funds (timeline)
1st Place - $20k
Runner - up - $5k
About the Competition
Our Intentions
At least 1/3 women-owned
At least 50% of the team must be a resident of Vermont or students at a Vermont college or university
Pre-revenue up to $750k in sales (over the last 12 months)
$0 - $500k in outside investment (non-founder/family capital)
All sectors are eligible except restaurants, traditional retail, and real estate
If selected as a finalist, a Female Founder must represent the company by pitching on September 27th
(*at the time of application)
Showcase Vermont's women-led startups
Increase access to capital and feedback for local entrepreneurs
Encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to take the plunge, make connections, find resources, and "jump in!"
Applications were due September 10th at Noon and are now closed.
Attendees welcome. Please RSVP on Eventbrite.
The application deadline is September 10th at noon via the electronic form provided (no other applications will be accepted)
From the pool of eligible applicants, finalists will be selected by VCET for the Challenge
Finalists and applicants will be notified by September 14th
All applicants will receive information on resources, programs, and networks that could be beneficial to their continued success
On September 27th, each team will have 8 minutes to present, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A from the panel of judges
Judges should not be contacted or lobbied by applicants or finalists ahead of the competition
The winner of the StartHere Challenge will receive a $20k cash prize. The runner-up will receive a $5k cash prize. This is not an investment, but a one-time prize.
The Challenge is open to the public, and will be live-streamed for folks that can't make it
Refreshments available!
Judging Criteria
Please contact
Opportunity of the business
Strength and potential of the team
Clear intended use for the funds (timeline)